If your cicumstances change, you get an increase in salary or move house, you may also need to change your cover if:
You should review your situation on a regular basis to make sure your cover changes with your circumstances.
And should the unexpected happen you are fully covered.
Call our helpline 01294-824905 and we can review your current circumstances.
You have life insurance for when you die. But do you have Critical Illness cover if you live? Mortgage payments, council tax, childcare costs, school fees, food and utility bills are just a few of the payments that still have to be made. Sick pay from your employer can help and state benefits only offer a very limited amount. Many people return to work but can't work the same hours as before, so they experience a massive drop in income. Critical illness cover can make it easier allowing you to concentrate on getting better and not worry. Contact us to review your current cover.